Largest LEGO Ski Resort in the World


The infinite love of LEGO toys is reflected in this old couple.

Currently, half the living room of their British home in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, is taken up by giant Lego bricks.

Every year, Mike Addis and his wife named Catherine Weitman, create an elaborate LEGO toy to celebrate the holidays.

A huge alpine ski resort comes into view. Built to mark the 25th anniversary of their building of Lego, it is 8 feet high and 8 feet wide. The entire ski resort is covered by snow and equipped with working lifts, trains and lights. This LEGO set a world record for the largest Lego ski resort in the world.


This remarkable structure features a medieval town, an array of holiday cottages, a functioning train, as well as elves, reindeer, and sleighs, along with numerous operational street lights. “Every time you observe it, you discover something new,” Addis remarked. “I believe my favorite aspect is the church—it integrates exceptionally well. The downtown area is also a strong favorite”.

“During construction one time, I stumbled and broke one of the brackets. Consequently, we had to restart from scratch. However, the beauty of LEGO lies in its ability to be reconstructed”.

Addis is uncertain about using exact number of Legos but estimates that approximately 400,000 pieces were sourced from their basement.


“We have been amassing a collection of Legos for over 50 years, with some pieces belonging to my wife's personal collection. As an educator, we often receive Legos as gifts from others, resulting in a substantial assortment”.

“We maintain these in our wine cellar, meticulously organized by color and size".
When asked about their project concept for the upcoming year, Addis explained that they employ a unique decision-making process.

“The optimal time for us to make decisions is upon returning from vacations because the lengthy and tedious journey provides an excellent opportunity for brainstorming new ideas”. 
" It's hard to say exactly how many hours we spend on it a day. Sometimes, I may spend eight to ten hours on it while I may not engage with it at all on other days."

Previous festive LEGO projects have included impressive creations such as a life-sized 8-foot (2.5-meter) polar bear, Durham Cathedral, gingerbread houses, choirboys, Santa Claus and even replicas of their own home.
